The Printed Image – Home of Sustainability is the “Ronseal” of sustainable printing – they do exactly what it says on the tin! Through investments in modern printing equipment, sustainable sourcing and in energy efficiency, they had achieved the silver rating from Ecovadis, the world’s most-widely used and accessible ESG ratings provider that measures companies scores across Environmental, Social, Governance and Sustainable Procurement. Ecovadis analysts attribute a score to organisations starting with Insufficient, Committed, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum, with silver reserved for the top 15% of companies.
Sustainabil-IT were engaged by The Printed Image to assist with their Ecovadis re-certification process. The “bar” to retain silver had been raised since original certification, due to the ever-larger number of companies using the Ecovadis platform. As an accredited Ecovadis training and consulting partner, Sustainabil-IT knew that while The Printed Image had implemented numerous sustainability initiatives, they had not brought all of the information into the Ecovadis platform for consideration, or hadn’t obtained evidence of initiatives undertaken, such as Anti-Bribery and Corruption and Whistleblowing procedures.
Working with the leadership of The Printed Image and leveraging their existing technology investment in Microsoft 365, we ensured that updated policies and procedures were rolled out company-wide and records established, which improved the governance score. We established a set of management KPIs to be tracked monthly, which improved visibility and monitoring internally and contributed positively across all pillars. We reviewed and updated all submitted documentation to ensure that it was current and to avoid rejection by the Ecovadis analysts.
The Printed Image not only retained their silver status, they were awarded the prestigious Ecovadis Gold rating, placing them in the top 5% of companies globally. From their website:
“The Printed Image is thrilled to announce a significant achievement in our sustainability and CSR recognition by EcoVadis, the world’s leading provider of Business Sustainability and CSR ratings. We are honoured to have recently been awarded the prestigious Gold Standard for our outstanding performance, distinguishing us as part of the top 5% of over 100,000 companies evaluated across 175 countries”.